The Hybrid Meeting Toolkit
This 75-minute course provides you with strategies for having highly effective hybrid meetings, whether you are primarily a hybrid meeting leader or attendee. We’ll cover best practices for starting your hybrid meeting on the right foot with social interaction, increasing meeting engagement by creating participation equity, following up with participants to maximize meeting impact, and more.
Included are 5 interactive lessons featuring Karin Reed and Dr. Joe Allen, and 3 missions in which you put your skills into practice.
10 Science-Backed Rules for Meaningful Meetings
Learn tips and takeaways through real-world examples from high-performance experts and business leaders that you can use to transform your meetings immediately!
In this online, self-guided course, Elise Keith and I dive into the research behind the rules, and then we share the stories and practices of teams who've successfully built these rules into their everyday meeting practice.
The Science of Meeting Effectiveness
This online, self-guided course will give you a basic understanding of what meeting science is and how it applies to the workplace.
You will learn about the history of meeting science, the basic process of meeting evaluation, and the importance of having effective meetings.
The Practice of Meeting Effectiveness
This online, self-guided course will give you a more in-depth understanding of how to apply meeting science directly to organizational and workplace meetings.
You will learn about various meeting design components that can influence meeting outcomes. You will also learn about meeting leader and attendee behaviors as well as effective reflection techniques of their own meeting behaviors.