World-Renowned in a Burgeoning Field

Based upon a recent review of meeting science literature, as of 2020, I’ve written/co-authored 25% of all research in meeting science.


In less than 10 years, my research has generated more than $20 million in external funding.

Recent Awards

My work has earned a 2020 Emerald Literati Award, the 2022 Slavin-Patti Award, and a nomination for the 2023 INGRoup Best Conference Paper.

Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Workplace Meetings

My most extensive and most known area of research is my pioneering work in the study and improvement of workplace meetings and the development of meeting science.

Since 2006 I have engaged in a focused study of meetings in organizations with a particular interest in improving meetings generally. Recent estimates suggest that more than 55 million meetings occur each day in the U.S. and approximately half of all meetings are rated as poorly functioning. Thus, a need exists to identify the causes of poor meetings and the cures to this workplace epidemic. Such research's ultimate goal includes improving group/team functioning, organizational effectiveness, and individual engagement in work-related tasks.

Here are a few selected works that illustrate the development of this area and my expertise:

* indicates student author

Occupational Safety & Health

My third major area of research focuses on occupational safety, health, and employee well-being.

Of particular note, I am the first researcher to investigate and connect after-action review (i.e. debriefs) meetings to group and organizational safety climate and other desirable outcomes. The studies listed here begin to investigate the various aspects of after-action review meetings and debriefs, which are informal discussions that occur among team members concerning a recent event or activity. These discussions provide a context for learning, team development, and the promotion of safety related behaviors. My recent work with colleagues related to post-fall huddles, a type of after-action review, is particularly important to promoting safety and well-being in health settings.

Here are a few selected works that illustrate the development of this area and my expertise:

* indicates student author

Organizational Community Engagement

My second major area of research is that of organizational community engagement, or the efforts made by organizations and their stakeholders to reach out and assist in the building, and uplifting of their communities. My work in this area includes much of my pro-bono consulting with more than 300 nonprofit organizations, as well as peer-review research on volunteer management, and a culminating book in the Cambridge Handbook Series entitled, The Cambridge Handbook of Organizational Community Engagement and Outreach. This work's ultimate goal is to provide science-based practical application and direction to leaders of organizations seeking ways to build their communities.

Here are a few selected works from this area that demonstrate my expertise:

* indicates student author